Gustos Bar & Grill Traditions
Here at Gustos, we take pride in having several traditions that go back over many years, and are always ready to start new ones! Some of these include:

PIG ROAST: This great annual event is a certified classic! Set on one Saturday each year, come out and enjoy live music, bags, games and the titular slow-roasted pig as part of a big buffet!
LAMB ROAST: Like the Pig Roast, this annual event is sure to please any appetite with several dishes prepared from the fresh roasted lamb.

TURKEY FRY: Every November, the staff and customers team up on a huge Thanksgiving themed buffet, featuring several deep fried turkeys, each with a different flavor. Customers bring in canned goods at this event to be donated to Morningstar Mission.
CHILI COOKOFF: This is always a fun event where the staff and customers go head-to-head to see who can make the best chili! There’s been some amazing recipes over the years and everyone looks forward to what’s new each year!

ST. PATRICK’S DAY BAR CRAWL: One Saturday every March, we rent a party bus and go on a crawl to several local bars. This trip has gotten bigger and better each year, and is always a blast!
FOOTBALL SUNDAYS: Everyone loves football right? Stop in and enjoy the games a little more with a great atmosphere and see how Sunday Funday is done! Enjoy the Bloody Mary Bar, free food at halftime of the Bears game each week, and shot and beer specials throughout the football season.

These are just some of the Gustos Greatest Hits. Many other traditions and events occur throughout the year and continue to evolve, such as Open Mic Nights, Dart Tournaments, Costume Contests, Karaoke, Specials during Bears, Bulls and Blackhawks games and much more! Check out our Events page as well as our Facebook page for more info on what’s coming next!